Merb does not force developers to stick to one thing unlike Rails. The merb allows developers to choose from three different ORM's i.e. Active Record, Data mapper and Sequel. Merb is also Multi threaded as long as you don't use Active Record as ORM, that means you dont need to run pack of mongrels like Rails.
Lets built a small web application to check out merb. In my example i ll be using Sequel ORM with merb. so go ahead and install merb and Sequel. Type this on command line:
% sudo gem install merb --include-dependencies
after that
% sudo gem install merb_sequelNow lets create application directory structure:
% merb time_managementAs you can see we are going to make little time management application for this tutorial. First of all we need to tell merb that we intend to use Sequel in this application. Open file named dependencies.rb in config folder below application root, uncomment this line:
use_orm :sequelNow simply run merb command from your application root. This will create a file named database.sample.yml in config folder. Change parameters in this file and save it as database.yml in same config folder. The database.yml syntax is similar to rails database.yml file. Here is how database.yml file looks like:
---Now we have database setup lets create a model now. The merb has generators to create models, controllers and specs just like rails.
# This is a sample database file for the Sequel ORM
:development: &defaults
:adapter: mysql
:database: ts_development
:username: root
:host: localhost
:socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
<<: *defaults :database: ts_test
<<: *defaults :database: ts_production
% ./script/generate model userthis will create bunch of files like model named user.rb in app/models folder. Among these files it also creates migration named like 001_add_model_users.rb in schema/migrations folder. Now lets write some code in this migration to create users table. The Sequel migration syntax is different from Active Record. Look at documentation for more details. Here is how migration would look like after editing:
class AddModelUsers < Sequel::Migration
def up create_table :users do |u|
primary_key :id
varchar :first_name, :size => 100
varchar :last_name, :size => 100
varchar :user_name, :null => false
varchar :password, :null => false
def down
execute "DROP TABLE users"
Now that table is created lets create a controller, leave model empty for now later on some business logic can go into models.
% ./script/generate controller mainThis will create file named main.rb in app/controllers folder . Notice there is already file name application.rb in controllers folder. All controllers inherit from this Application class so common controller code can go in this Application class. Now lets write login and logout functionality in main.rb file.
class Main < ApplicationThere are two things to notice here for rails programmers one is the way you fetch values from params that are passed to each action. We call fetch method on params object to get variables that are passed with the request for that action. Other is Sequel syntax of model which uses filter instead of find. For more detailed syntax take a look at documentation.
def index
def login
@error =false
uname = params.fetch(:uname)
pass = params.fetch(:pass)
user = User.filter(:user_name => uname, :password => pass)
unless @user.blank?
session[:user_id] =
redirect "/main/"
@error = true
if session[:user_id] != nil
@logged_in = true
@user = User.filter(:id => session[:user_id]).first
@logged_in = false
def logout
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect "/main/"
Another thing to look at is explicit call to render function. Which renders erb template located in app/views folder e.g. index.html.erb for index action. The templates are pure embedded ruby . The creators of merb claims that it is drop in replacement of rails Action pack. True there is not much difference. Lets change a default route to point to index action of main controller. Change config/router.rb to add this line:
r.match("/").to(:controller => "main", :action => "index")
above this line
r.default_routesStart our sample application by running merb command in our application root:
% merbIf all goes well you should be able to access your sample application at .
Lets add few more things to our application in next part ....
Thanks man, nice post. I look forward to Part 2.
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Farhan Abid
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Hi Hasham and readers,
With merb.0.9.4 the starting commands and files are a bit different, I discovered on my first try with merb. To save others some time, here is what I did:
Instead of:
% merb time_management
Now it is:
% merb-gen app time_management
And the definition of the use of Sequel is now in the file:
config/init.rb (line 80/81)
# Uncomment for Sequel ORM
# use_orm :sequel
the generation of the database.yml file is still the same, just run
% merb
from the root of the application-dir (./time_management) in this case.
The database-setup file that is generated is called
it used to be
Don't forget to rename it to rename to:
./script/generate model user
is replaced with:
% merb-gen model user
% ./script/generate controller main
is replaced with...
% merb-gen controller main
...semantically consistent!
I don't know if it is needed, but I defined my databases by help of something like phpmyadmin.
The last problem I had was a logical one.
There is an 'end' misplaced in the main.rb example.
For me, in the end, this worked:
class Main < Application
def index
def login
@error =false
uname = params.fetch(:uname)
pass = params.fetch(:pass)
user = User.filter(:user_name => uname, :password => pass)
unless @user.blank?
session[:user_id] =
redirect "/main/"
@error = true
if session[:user_id] != nil
@logged_in = true
@user = User.filter(:id => session[:user_id]).first
@logged_in = false
def logout
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect "/main/"
Thanks for the intro, up to the second part.
Thanks paul this tutorial was written with merb 0.5, I have mentioned that in my newer post. Thanks for update
I have written a more up to date article on getting started with datamapper and merb using thor tasks to bundle everything into your application on our blog: or here:
Thanks Jason! This article was written way back! but i reckon it is still only one that is about using sequel with merb
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