Issue this command on CLI to check if Aspell is installed:
% aspell
You should see help output related to command
First of all you need to install JSON gem to parse JSON requests
% sudo gem install json
Then write this action in a controller:
require json
def spellcheck
raw = request.env['RAW_POST_DATA']
req = JSON.parse(raw)
lang = req["params"][0]
if req["method"] == 'checkWords'
text_to_check = req["params"][1].join(" ")
text_to_check = req["params"][1]
suggestions = check_spelling_new(text_to_check, req["method"], lang)
render :json => {"id" => nil, "result" => suggestions, "error" => nil}.to_json
Now also write this method in private section of controller:
def check_spelling_new(spell_check_text, command, lang)
json_response_values =
spell_check_response = `echo "#{spell_check_text}" | aspell -a -l #{lang}`
if (spell_check_response != '')
spelling_errors = spell_check_response.split(' ').slice(1..-1)
if (command == 'checkWords')
i = 0
while i < spelling_errors.length
if (spelling_errors[i].to_s.index('&') == 0)
match_data = spelling_errors[i + 1]
json_response_values << match_data
i += 1
elsif (command == 'getSuggestions')
arr = spell_check_response.split(':')
suggestion_string = arr[1]
suggestions = suggestion_string.split(',')
for suggestion in suggestions
json_response_values << suggestion
return json_response_values
now you need to open /plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin.js file under your Tiny MCE directory. Search for this line;
t.url = url;
and change it to:
t.url = '';
then search for this line:
var t = this, url = t.editor.getParam("spellchecker_rpc_url", this.url+'/rpc.php');
and change it to:
var t = this, url = t.editor.getParam("spellchecker_rpc_url", this.url+'/spellcheck');
and to make this work just add this route to routes.rb under config folder
map.connect '/spellcheck', :controller => 'your_controller_name', :action => 'spellcheck'
#replace your_controller_name with name of our controller in which the spellcheck action is written
Great work, looking forward to integrating spell checking into our Rails app as well. Thanks mate!
Which version of Rails are you using? I tried your suggestions with Rails 2. However, Rails sees the incoming request as a GET so none of the post data is accessible to the controller.
Also, instead of modifying the js source, I used spellchecker_rpc_url when creating an instance of a tinyMCE editor. That seems to work.
I wrote this while using rails 1.2.3. Thanks, for tip about passing spellchecker_rpc_url when calling init. I ll use that my self.
Thanks Hasham. While I was searching for info on this subject, your post came up next to this one from Mike at Gusto, which others might find helpful as well.
I presume that Mike's code was written for TinyMCE 2.x, which uses XML, and you've updated his code for TinyMCE 3.x, which uses JSON?
Some issues:
1) There's a command line injection vulnerability in the given example code. The problem is this line:
echo "#{spell_check_text}" | aspell -a -l #{lang}
A malicious user could bypass tiny_mce and call the given controller action directly. All they'd have to do is be clever about using quotation marks and they can execute anything with the same priviliges as the app server. It's probably better to do something like this:
tf ="aspell_buf")
tf.write(spell_check_text) 0
spell_check_response = `cat #{tf.path} | aspell -a -l #{lang}`
2) To get this to work in rails 2.0.2, I had to add the following to environment.rb:
ActionController::Base.param_parsers[Mime::JSON] = do |data|
There is another way to do this,
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